Sunday, October 16, 2016

Raspberry Pi & Arch Linux - Day 14 - A simple Engine class the provides high level control over two wheels

Something else distracted me last week so there was no significant progress.

It is the moment to consolidate a little bit and put all the pieces together.

To control the speed and the direction of the robot, we need to have a Engine class which defines some high level commands such as turn_left, turn_right and stop. In theory, we can decrease the speed of the left wheel and increase the speed of the right wheel to achieve the turn-left effect. We will not know if this works until we do a real test. Also for the present, I can imagine that we may need different types of turn-left operation: it can turn slowly or quickly; it can be a slight turn or a sharp turn. For now, we have scale and period parameters as placeholder.

class Engine:
    Engine class controls the movement of the robot. It consists of two wheels.

    def __init__(self, startup_scale=0.1, stable_scale=0.6, cmd_Q=None, output_Q=None,left_wheel_comp=None, right_wheel_comp=None):
            startup_scale:    float. It controls the start up sclae of the two wheel. 
            stable_scale:     float. It controls the speed of the wheel in the stable status.
            left_wheel_comp:  Instance of WheelComponent.
            right_wheel_comp: Instance of WheelComponent.
            cmd_Q: Do we need this?
            output_Q: Do we need this?

            The function will construct the ContinuousComponentWrapper internally. The user of the class will not be able to control the two wheels
            directly. All the operations are performed through the Engine class.
#        assert isinstance(cmd_Q, mp.queues.Queue)
#        assert isinstance(output_Q, mp.queues.Queue)

        assert isinstance(left_wheel_comp, WheelComponent)
        assert isinstance(right_wheel_comp, WheelComponent)

        self._cmd_Q = cmd_Q
        self._output_Q = output_Q
        self._left_wheel_comp = left_wheel_comp
        self._right_wheel_comp = right_wheel_comp

#        self._reference_pulse_left = left_wheel_comp.reference_pulse
#        self._reference_pulse_right = right_wheel_comp.reference_pulse
#        self._pulse_left = left_wheel_comp.pulse
#        self._pulse_right = right_wheel_comp.pulse

        self._cmd_Q_left = mp.Queue()
        self._cmd_Q_right = mp.Queue()
        self._output_Q_left = mp.Queue()
        self._output_Q_right = mp.Queue()

        self._left_wheel = ContinuousComponentWrapper(component=self._left_wheel_comp, cmd_Q=self._cmd_Q_left,output_Q=self._output_Q_left)
        self._right_wheel = ContinuousComponentWrapper(component=self._right_wheel_comp, cmd_Q=self._cmd_Q_right,output_Q=self._output_Q_right)

    def _change_speed(self, left_scale=0., right_scale=0.):
        change the speed of the two wheels. A utility function.
        self._cmd_Q_left.put(('increase_speed',(left_scale,), {}))
        self._cmd_Q_right.put(('increase_speed', (right_scale,), {}))

    def stop(self):
        Breaks the robot. Set the wheels to be still.
        self._cmd_Q_left.put(('stop', (), {}))
        self._cmd_Q_right.put(('stop', (), {}))

    def turn_left(self, scale=0.5, period=1.):
        Turn left. The if scale = 0, the turn is slow; if the scale = 1., the turn is sharp.
        scale = min(scale, 1)
        scale = max(scale, 0)
        left_scale = -(1 - scale)
        right_scale = scale
        self._change_speed(left_scale, right_scale)

    def turn_right(self, scale=0.5, period=1.):
        Turn right. The if scale = 0, the turn is slow; if the scale = 1., the turn is sharp.
        scale = min(scale, 1)
        scale = max(scale, 0)

        left_scale = scale
        right_scale = -(1 - scale)

        self._change_speed(left_scale, right_scale)

    def start(self):
        Start the engine. This function will start the two wheels. 

            The wheels are wrapped in the ContinuousComponentWrapper and they are multiprocessing.Process.


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