Thursday, April 2, 2015


原本以自己会利用晚上的时间好好看看,最终还是想找到一个其他的解决方案来消磨时间突然发现原来自己并没有什么特殊的兴趣爱好,这点着实让我头疼。对电影电视不感兴趣,音乐也仅仅是喜欢,没事就开着网易云音乐随便挑一个歌单就开始听着,当做所有事情的背景音乐。 今天在做饭的时候想着温习一下法语,便打开FranceInfo Direct,没想到这段时间他们那里又在闹罢工,所以节目不能正常播出。只有在整点和半点的时候才播放新闻,其余时间播放音乐。想要看看书,却不知道从何处下手。挑了本网上推荐的关于self-improvement的书,英文版,想着学习学习英语也不错。不知是因为这本书本身写的很无聊还是我英语太差,自己不能完全明白这本书究竟在讲些什么。坚持了一会儿,实在是觉得枯燥。当然我应该还是会把它读完,否则又是半途而废相当的不好。之后挑了本关于谈判的书,这回找的是中文版。阅读英文书籍的速度与阅读中文书籍的速度还是相差了一大截。





说一句 是一句
你锁了 人家就懂了

Monday, February 9, 2015

Hackerrank: Xoring Ninja Solution in Ocaml

Problem Statement

Given a list containing N integers, calculate the XOR_SUM of all the non-empty subsets of the list and print the value of sum % (109 + 7).

XOR operation on a list (or a subset of the list) is defined as the XOR of all the elements present in it.
E.g. XOR of list containing elements {A,B,C} = ((A^B)^C), where ^ represents XOR.

E.g. XOR_SUM of list A having three elements {X1, X2, X3} can be given as follows.
All non-empty subsets will be {X1, X2, X3, (X1,X2), (X2,X3), (X1,X3), (X1,X2,X3)}

XOR_SUM(A) = X1 + X2 + X3 + X1^X2 + X2^X3 + X1^X3 + ((X1^X2)^X3)

Input Format
An integer T, denoting the number of testcases. 2T lines follow.
Each testcase contains two lines, first line will contains an integer N followed by second line containing N integers separated by a single space.

Output Format
T lines, ith line containing the output of the ith testcase.

1 <= T <= 5
1 <= N <= 105
0 <= A[i] <= 109

let large_number = 1000000007 ;;
let compute n k =
  if k = 0 then
    let result = ref 1 in
    for i = 1 to (n - 1) do
      result := (!result lsl 1) mod large_number

let process arr length =
  let max_elem = ref (-1) in
  for i = 0 to (length - 1 ) do
    if (arr.(i) > !max_elem) then
      max_elem := arr.(i)
  let level = ref 0
  and result = ref 0 in
  while !max_elem > 0 do

    let count = ref 0 in
    for i = 0 to (length - 1) do
      count := !count + (1 land arr.(i));
      arr.(i) <- (arr.(i) lsr 1)
    (* Printf.printf "max_elem: %d, level: %d, result: %d, count: %d\n" !max_elem !level !result !count; *)
    let res = compute length !count in
    result := (!result + (res lsl !level) ) mod large_number;
    level := !level + 1 ;
    max_elem := !max_elem lsr 1 ;

(* main *)

let num_case = read_int () ;;

for i = 1 to num_case do
  let n = read_int () in
  let line = read_line () in
  let lst_string = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") line in
  let lst_int = int_of_string lst_string in
  let arr = Array.of_list lst_int in
  let result = process arr n in
  Printf.printf "%d\n" result
done ;;

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hackerrank: AND Product Solution in Ocaml

AND product

Problem Statement

You will be given two intergers A and B. You are required to compute the bitwise AND amongst all natural numbers lying between A and B, both inclusive.

Input Format

First line of the input contains T, the number of testcases to follow.
Each testcase in a newline contains A and B separated by a single space.


1 <= T <= 200
0 <= A <= B <= 2^32

Output Format

Output one line per test case with the required bitwise AND

let read_line_int () =
  let line = read_line () in
  let lst = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") line in
  let lst_int = int_of_string lst in
  let arr = Array.of_list lst_int in

let number_of_bits n =
  let rec num_of_bits count n =
    match n with
    | 0 -> count
    | n -> num_of_bits (count + 1) (n lsr 1)
    num_of_bits 0 n ;;

let rec process result a b =
  let n_bits_a = number_of_bits a
  and n_bits_b = number_of_bits b in
  match n_bits_a = n_bits_b with
  | false -> result
  | true ->
    let m = 1 lsl (n_bits_a - 1) in
    process (result + m) (a - m) (b - m)

let process_main a b =
  process 0 a b ;;

(* main part *)

let num_case = read_int () ;;

for i = 1 to num_case do
  let arr = read_line_int () in
  let result = process_main arr.(0) arr.(1) in
  Printf.printf "%d\n" result

Friday, February 6, 2015

Generate Partitions

let rec generate start n =
  if start = 0 then
    match n with
    | 0 -> raise (Invalid_argument "n")
    | 1 -> [[1]]
    | k -> let result = generate 1 k in [k]::result
  else if start < n then
        (let result = ref [] in
          for i = start to n - start do
            let tmp_result = generate i (n - i) in
            let tmp_result_i = (fun lst -> i :: lst) tmp_result in
            let tmp_result2 = tmp_result_i @ !result in
            result := tmp_result2
          !result ;)

let generate_partitions n =
  generate 0 n ;;

generate_partitions 1 ;;
generate_partitions 2 ;;
generate_partitions 3 ;;

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Generate All Subsets of N

(* In this scripte, we will write a function to generate all the subset of {1,2,...,n} 
 * The basic idea is to use the bit array of 1, 2, ..., n to represent the subset.

let rec int_power x n =
  let xf = float_of_int x
  and nf = float_of_int n in
  int_of_float (xf ** nf) ;;

let generate_subset n =
  let arr = Array.init n (fun x -> x + 1)in
  let rec generate_set result index k =
    match k with
    | 0 -> result
    | k ->
      if k land 1 = 1 then
        let elem = arr.(index) in
        generate_set (elem::result) (index + 1) (k lsr 1)
        generate_set result (index + 1) (k lsr 1)
    let rec generate_allset result k limit =
      match k < limit with
      | false -> result
      | true ->
        let res = generate_set [] 0 k in
        generate_allset (res::result) (k + 1) limit
    let num_iter = int_power 2 n in
    let final_result = generate_allset [] 0 num_iter in
    final_result ;;

generate_subset 1 ;;
generate_subset 2 ;;
generate_subset 3 ;;
generate_subset 4 ;;

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Implement max heap in Ocaml

(* In this script, we will implement the max heap.
 * In this implementation, we use the first element in
 * the array to store the number of elements in the heap.
 * This number has type of int, it follows that the heap
 * is of type int array.

let parent i = i / 2 ;;
let left i = 2 * i ;;
let right i = 2 * i + 1 ;;

(* the function heapify maintains the heap property of the sub-heap
 * rooted at k

let rec heapify heap k = 
  let count = heap.(0) in 
  if k < 1 then
    raise (Invalid_argument "heap")
  else if k < count then
    match left k <= count, right k <= count with
    |(true, true) ->
        let elem = heap.(k) 
        and elem_left = heap.(left k) 
        and elem_right = heap.(right k) in
        (match elem < elem_left, elem < elem_right with
        | (false, false ) -> ()
        | (_,_) ->
            if elem_left < elem_right then
                (heap.(k) <- elem_right; heap.(right k) <- elem; heapify heap (right k))
                (heap.(k) <- elem_left; heap.(left k) <- elem; heapify heap (left k)))
    |(true, false) -> 
        let elem_left = heap.(left k) and elem = heap.(k) in
        if elem <elem_left then
          (heap.(left k) <- elem ; heap.(k) <- elem_left)
    |(false, _)  -> () ;;

(* the function heapify_all will call function heapify on every node in the heap *)

let heapify_all  heap = 
  let count = heap.(0) in
  for i = count downto 1 do
    heapify heap i

(* add function will add a new element to the heap *)
let add heap elem = 
  let count = heap.(0) in
  if count = Array.length heap then
    raise (Failure "The heap is full. Cannot add new element.")
    (heap.(0) <- count + 1;
     let p = ref heap.(0) in
     while !p / 2  > 0 && heap.(!p) > heap.(!p / 2)  do
       p := !p / 2;
       heapify heap !p

(* max_heap return the maximum value of the heap but not remove it from the heap
 * *)
let max_heap heap =
  if heap.(0) = 0 then
    raise (Failure "The heap is empty.")
    heap.(1) ;;

(* pop function returns the maximum value of the heap and remove it from the
 * heap *)

let pop heap = 
  let count = heap.(0) in
  if count  = 0 then
    raise (Failure "The heap is empty.")
    let elem = heap.(1) in    
    heap.(1) <- heap.(count);
    heap.(0) <- count - 1;
    heapify heap 1;

Monday, February 2, 2015

Simple Implementation of Double Linked List in Ocaml

In this script, we will give a simple implementation of double linked list in OCaml. We can find more details in the book Introduction to Objective Caml, page 65.

type 'a elem =
  | Nil
  | Elem of 'a * 'a elem ref * 'a elem ref

let nil_elem = Nil ;;   (* create a Nil element *)

let create_element x = Elem (x, ref Nil, ref Nil) ;;

let get = function
  | Elem (x, _, _) -> x
  | Nil -> raise (Invalid_argument "get") ;;

let prev_elem = function
  | Elem (_, prev, _) -> !prev
  | Nil -> raise (Invalid_argument "prev_elem") ;;

(* implement the doubly-linked list, the list itself can be just
 * a reference ot the first element. 

type 'a dlist = 'a elem ref ;;

let create () = ref Nil ;;

let insert list elem =
  match elem, !list with
  | Elem (_, prev, next), Nil ->
      prev := Nil;
      next := Nil;
      list := elem
  | Elem (_, prev1, next1) , (Elem (_, prev2, _) as head) ->
      prev1 := Nil;
      next1 := head;
      prev2 := elem;
      list  := elem
  | Nil, _ ->
      raise (Invalid_argument "insert")

let remove list elem =
  match elem with
  | Elem (_, prev, next) ->
      (match !prev with
       | Elem (_, _, prev_next) -> prev_next := !next
       | Nil -> list := !next) ;
      (match !next with
       | Elem (_,next_prev, _) -> next_prev := !prev
       | Nil -> ())
  | Nil ->
      raise (Invalid_argument "remove")

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Rotate a one-dimensional array of N elements left by k positions

We can find the discussion of this problem in Bentley's book Programming Pears, Column 2.

First Solution

First observation is that we can decompose a rotation into several swap. This idea will lead us to find the recursive structure of the problem. Here is the implementation

let rec rotate arr is ie k i0 j0 =
  let kk = k mod (ie-is+1) in
  if is < ie && kk <> 0 then
    let condition_i0 = i0 < kk
    and condition_j0 = (is+j0) < ie in
    if condition_i0 then
      let tmp = arr.(is+i0) in
      arr.(is+i0) <- arr.(is+j0);
      arr.(is+j0) <- tmp;
      match condition_j0 with
      | true -> rotate arr is ie kk (i0+1) (j0+1)
      | false ->  let kk2 = kk - i0 - 1 in rotate arr (is+i0+1) ie kk2 0 kk2
      rotate arr (is+kk) ie kk 0 kk

Second Solution

We can also look at this problem from another point of view. We can decompose the rotation into several sub-rotation.

0  <- k <- 2k <- 3k ...
1 <- k+1 < 2k+1 <- 3k+1 <- ...

This idea leas to another solution.

let rec gcd a b =
  let x = min a b and y = max a b in
  if x = 0 then y
    gcd x (y mod x ) ;;

let rotate2 arr k =
  let length = Array.length arr in
  let kk = k mod length in
  let n_loop = gcd kk length in
  let n_loop_j = length / n_loop in
  for i = 0 to n_loop - 1 do
    let tmp = arr.(i) in
    for j = 0 to n_loop_j - 2 do
      arr.((i+ j * kk) mod length) <- arr.((i + (j+1) * kk) mod length )
    done ;
    arr.((i + (n_loop_j-1) * kk) mod length) <- tmp
  done ;;

Third Solution

In the book we can find a third solution and it is very elegant.

rotate(n,k) = {reverse(n,0,k-1);

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Simple Implementation of Hash Table in OCaml

(* In this script, we will implement a simple hash table.                       
 * In our implementation, the keys are strings and the table has                
 * polymorphic values.                                                          
 * Part of the implementation can be found in the book Introduction to Objective Caml by Jason Hickey. P92      
(* create an array of random numbers *)                                       
let random_numbers = Array.init 37 (fun x -> 100 + 1) ;;                                                                                       
let random_length = Array.length random_numbers ;;                              
type hash_info =                                                                
  { mutable hash_index : int;                                                   
    mutable hash_value : int;                                                   
let hash_char info c =                                                          
  let i = Char.code c in                                                      
  let index = (info.hash_index + i + 1) mod random_length in                    
  info.hash_value <- (info.hash_value * 3 ) lxor random_numbers.(index);        
  info.hash_index <- index                                                      
let hash s =  (* compute the hash of a string *)                                
  let info = { hash_index = 0; hash_value = 0 } in                              
  for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do                                           
    hash_char info s.[i]                                                        

type 'a hash_entry = { key : string; value : 'a };;                             
type 'a hash_table = 'a hash_entry list array ;;                                
let create () =                                                                 
  Array.make 101 [] ;;                                                        
(* add functino adds {key ;value} to the hash table. however
 * it does not check if the key has already existed. One of the
 * consequences is we may have multiple values corresponding to
 * the same key 

let add table key value =                                                       
  let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in                            
  table.(index) <- {key = key; value = value} :: table.(index) ;;   

(* find function will find the corresponding value of the given key.
 * In case of multiple values, it returns the first one when it 
 * walks through the chain. If the key does not exist, it raises
 * Not_found

let find table key =                                                            
  let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in                            
  find_entry key table.(index) ;; 
let rec find_entry (key :string) = function                                     
    {key = key' ; value = value } ::_ when key' = key -> value                  
  | _ :: entries -> find_entry key entries                                      
  | [] -> raise Not_found 


(* delete function will remove the key from the hash table. In the case that
 * there are multiple values corresponding to the same key, the function removes
 * the first value when it walks through the chain. 

let delete table key  =                                                    
  let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in                            
  let entries = table.(index) in                                                
  let rec del part = function                                                   
    | [] -> ([], false)                                                         
    | ({key = key'; value = value} as hd) :: tl ->                                
        if key = key' then                                                      
          (List.rev part @ tl, true)                                         
          del (hd::part) tl                                                     
    let (res_lst, flag) = del [] entries in                                     
    match flag with                                                             
    | false -> print_string "key does not exist. No change occurs"                                
    | true -> table.(index) <- res_lst                                     

(* replace function will update the value of a given key. In the case that
 * there are multiple values corresponding to the same key, the function updates
 * the first value when it walks through the chain. If the key does not exist
 * the function will raise Not_found.

let replace table key value = 
 let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in
 let entries = table.(index) in
 let rec rep part = function 
  | [] -> ([], false)
  | {key = key'} as hd :: tl ->
    if key = key' then
      let new_entry = {key;value} in
        (List.rev (new_entry::part) @ tl, true)
      rep (hd::part) tl
  let (res_lst, flag) = rep [] entries in
  match flag with 
  | false -> raise Not_found
  | true -> table.(index) <- res_lst


Friday, January 30, 2015

List directories in Bash

Here we present tree methods to list directories in Bash

List sub-directories in the current directory

ls -d */

List all the sub-directories in the current directory

ls -Rl | grep "^d"

List all the sub-directories including hidden directories in the current directory

find ./ -type d 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Generate Permutation in Ocaml

let insert_all n lst =
 let rec insert_all_rec result part = function 
  | []  -> (List.rev (n::part))::result 
  | (h::t) as lst -> 
     let new_lst =  (List.rev (n::part)) @ lst in
     insert_all_rec (new_lst :: result) (h::part) t 
   insert_all_rec [] [] lst ;;

val insert_all : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list list = <fun>

let rec generate_permutation n =
 match n with
 | 0 -> []
 | 1 -> [[1]]
 | n -> let list_perm = generate_permutation (n-1) in
      let list_list_perm = (insert_all n) list_perm in
       List.flatten list_list_perm ;;

val generate_permutation : int -> int list list = <fun>

generate_permutation 1 ;;
generate_permutation 2 ;;
generate_permutation 3 ;;
generate_permutation 4 ;;