Saturday, January 31, 2015

Simple Implementation of Hash Table in OCaml

(* In this script, we will implement a simple hash table.                       
 * In our implementation, the keys are strings and the table has                
 * polymorphic values.                                                          
 * Part of the implementation can be found in the book Introduction to Objective Caml by Jason Hickey. P92      
(* create an array of random numbers *)                                       
let random_numbers = Array.init 37 (fun x -> 100 + 1) ;;                                                                                       
let random_length = Array.length random_numbers ;;                              
type hash_info =                                                                
  { mutable hash_index : int;                                                   
    mutable hash_value : int;                                                   
let hash_char info c =                                                          
  let i = Char.code c in                                                      
  let index = (info.hash_index + i + 1) mod random_length in                    
  info.hash_value <- (info.hash_value * 3 ) lxor random_numbers.(index);        
  info.hash_index <- index                                                      
let hash s =  (* compute the hash of a string *)                                
  let info = { hash_index = 0; hash_value = 0 } in                              
  for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do                                           
    hash_char info s.[i]                                                        

type 'a hash_entry = { key : string; value : 'a };;                             
type 'a hash_table = 'a hash_entry list array ;;                                
let create () =                                                                 
  Array.make 101 [] ;;                                                        
(* add functino adds {key ;value} to the hash table. however
 * it does not check if the key has already existed. One of the
 * consequences is we may have multiple values corresponding to
 * the same key 

let add table key value =                                                       
  let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in                            
  table.(index) <- {key = key; value = value} :: table.(index) ;;   

(* find function will find the corresponding value of the given key.
 * In case of multiple values, it returns the first one when it 
 * walks through the chain. If the key does not exist, it raises
 * Not_found

let find table key =                                                            
  let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in                            
  find_entry key table.(index) ;; 
let rec find_entry (key :string) = function                                     
    {key = key' ; value = value } ::_ when key' = key -> value                  
  | _ :: entries -> find_entry key entries                                      
  | [] -> raise Not_found 


(* delete function will remove the key from the hash table. In the case that
 * there are multiple values corresponding to the same key, the function removes
 * the first value when it walks through the chain. 

let delete table key  =                                                    
  let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in                            
  let entries = table.(index) in                                                
  let rec del part = function                                                   
    | [] -> ([], false)                                                         
    | ({key = key'; value = value} as hd) :: tl ->                                
        if key = key' then                                                      
          (List.rev part @ tl, true)                                         
          del (hd::part) tl                                                     
    let (res_lst, flag) = del [] entries in                                     
    match flag with                                                             
    | false -> print_string "key does not exist. No change occurs"                                
    | true -> table.(index) <- res_lst                                     

(* replace function will update the value of a given key. In the case that
 * there are multiple values corresponding to the same key, the function updates
 * the first value when it walks through the chain. If the key does not exist
 * the function will raise Not_found.

let replace table key value = 
 let index = (hash key) mod (Array.length table) in
 let entries = table.(index) in
 let rec rep part = function 
  | [] -> ([], false)
  | {key = key'} as hd :: tl ->
    if key = key' then
      let new_entry = {key;value} in
        (List.rev (new_entry::part) @ tl, true)
      rep (hd::part) tl
  let (res_lst, flag) = rep [] entries in
  match flag with 
  | false -> raise Not_found
  | true -> table.(index) <- res_lst


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