We can find the discussion of this problem in Bentley's book Programming Pears, Column 2.
First Solution
First observation is that we can decompose a rotation into several swap. This idea will lead us to find the recursive structure of the problem. Here is the implementation
let rec rotate arr is ie k i0 j0 =
let kk = k mod (ie-is+1) in
if is < ie && kk <> 0 then
let condition_i0 = i0 < kk
and condition_j0 = (is+j0) < ie in
if condition_i0 then
let tmp = arr.(is+i0) in
arr.(is+i0) <- arr.(is+j0);
arr.(is+j0) <- tmp;
match condition_j0 with
| true -> rotate arr is ie kk (i0+1) (j0+1)
| false -> let kk2 = kk - i0 - 1 in rotate arr (is+i0+1) ie kk2 0 kk2
rotate arr (is+kk) ie kk 0 kk
Second Solution
We can also look at this problem from another point of view. We can decompose the rotation into several sub-rotation.
0 <- k <- 2k <- 3k ...
1 <- k+1 < 2k+1 <- 3k+1 <- ...
This idea leas to another solution.
let rec gcd a b =
let x = min a b and y = max a b in
if x = 0 then y
gcd x (y mod x ) ;;
let rotate2 arr k =
let length = Array.length arr in
let kk = k mod length in
let n_loop = gcd kk length in
let n_loop_j = length / n_loop in
for i = 0 to n_loop - 1 do
let tmp = arr.(i) in
for j = 0 to n_loop_j - 2 do
arr.((i+ j * kk) mod length) <- arr.((i + (j+1) * kk) mod length )
done ;
arr.((i + (n_loop_j-1) * kk) mod length) <- tmp
done ;;
Third Solution
In the book we can find a third solution and it is very elegant.
rotate(n,k) = {reverse(n,0,k-1);